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5 Ways to Release Stress January 31, 2014

yoga classes
5 Ways to Release Stress


Living in a big city make a little complicated to release stress, dealing at the same time with demanding jobs and impossible traffic jams. A good night’s sleep or a Yoga Class are excellent ways to release stress, but here are some other activities to compliment.  A good night’s sleep or a Yoga Class are excellent ways to release stress, but here are some other activities to compliment.  


Play with your pet. After a hard day of work or if you’re just feeling grumpy, getting home and playing with your dog or cat is an excellent way to beat down your stress. Pets are part of the family and they are always happy to see us, so why not play with them or take them out for a walk. Sometimes just watching them making funny things will take all the stressful thoughts away.


Taking a walk through the park. We know you’re very busy, but only a short stroll and breathing fresh air will calm you down. You will see things from a different point of view. Taking just 20 minutes to be in touch with nature will cheer you up.


Laugh. Simple, right? How many times a day do you laugh? Maybe a funny pic, a video or an easy prank help us get in a better mood. Laughing will ease you and will oxygenate your body. And the best part? Its contagious!


Going out when it rains. Do you remember your childhood? Water is revitalizing and will bring you back memories. It sounds simple, but you will feel connected again and the stress will be washed away. Remember to take a bath right away and change your clothes, to avoid catching a cold.


Take a shower. As soon as you get home and before checking on your home duties or sitting down to watch TV, get in the shower and reactivate yourself! The water will wash away the bad mood, wake you up, and make you feel better until the end of your day.


Picture by:  mikebaird.