Simple Ways to Release Anxiety July 16, 2014
Sometimes anxiety creates more anxiety and we get into a circle. We live in a time where stress and anxiety are our daily bread; the traffic, the workload, and the news and the environment increase anxiety in us without realizing it. It’s within us to break this situation with some simple steps and exercises; here are some of them.
Sleeping enough. We refer to continuous and effective sleep hours. We recommend you turning off the lights, TV, and other electronics. It’s also important to take from seven to nine hours of sleep, but you must avoid any "10 more minutes, please!".
Eat well. When an anxiety disorder is presented, we can completely lose control over ourselves. In many people the anxiety causes them the need to eat at every moment. If this is your situation, choose foods rich in Vitamin B and Omega 3, and whole grain carbohydrates as well, which help regulate levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps you to "feel good".
Release your mind. When our work environment is chaotic, it seems that our labor will never end. We recommend you to take 15 minutes to stand up or maybe you should keep your workspace clean and tidy. We tend to associate the well arranged and open spaces with inhibition of anxiety.
Learn to meditate. It’s a very old practice which have been taught by many people and schools over the centuries. The purpose of meditation is to free the mind and put away the thoughts of anxiety, fear, and anger. Over time, the brain patterns will change and it will be much easier to handle yourself in a stressful and anxious environment.
Silence. Start slowly, but you have to plan it well. Nowadays, noise pollution is increasing, especially in big cities. You can start with just five minutes for you and that means turning off cell phones, TV, music, etc; after some time you can increase the quiet time you dedicate to yourself, and you can ask your friends or family to prevent contact you during that time.
Plan. It's quite a challenge, but it really helps. Find your way around and try to stay on schedule for each activity, starting with your sleep hours. Once you complete all your activities and work, you'll be avoiding an accumulation of tasks that could carry anxiety.
Relaxing aromas. Certain aromas reduce stress and improve mental clarity. We know it is difficult in a workspace , but you can load a handkerchief and essences in your bag or briefcase and there will be just for you. We recommend basil, anise, and chamomile to reduce tension.
Have fun. Some studies show that those with greater social interaction tend to react less negatively to stress. So if you had a tough day, take a bath and have dinner with friends or family; only remember to avoid focusing your conversation in the matters that cause you anxiety and give yourself a chance to distract the mind.
Picture by: Maxwell GS.