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Avoid Gastritis

May 22, 2014
Category Nutrition

We all know at least one person who has being afflicted by gastritis. This disease has its origins in our poor eating habits, our lack of control and overwhelming stress. Here are some ideas to fight back gastritis.

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Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

May 14, 2014
Category Nutrition

This is a hard question which most of us will answer no to. We are in control of what we eat and when we eat it. When people enter the adolescence, eating disorders can appear and sometimes we blame our environment.

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Ideas for a Date

May 10, 2014
Category Couple

Most of the time, our daily routine doesn’t allow for as much time off as we would hope for. And many of us have very specific habits that in the long term can become boring....

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Foods that Moderate your Blood Pressure

January 29, 2014
Category Nutrition
yoga classes

According to the World Health Organization, 1 out of 3 grown-ups has high-blood pressure. Our nutrition is a keystone for our life balance; it gives us health, fortifies us, and turns on the good mood. Here are some ingredients that will improve your blood pressure

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Natural Sweeteners

January 22, 2014
Category Nutrition
yoga classes

One of the most important thing is doing some research about the food we eat. We live in an innovative era with great tech breakthroughs, many of which lower production costs. The search for an alternative natural sweetener has led to consume of by-products that are not entirely good for our health.

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Tips for a Restful Sleep

January 17, 2014
Category Well-being
yoga classes

We have talked about new ways to improve your life, and about the activities you should avoid on your quest for a healthier lifestyle. Good and restful sleeping also requires good habits; here are some tips to improve your sleep.

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Healthy Snacks During the Day

January 15, 2014
Category Nutrition
yoga classes

Due to our daily activities or our job, our body demands snacking in between meals. It is also very common to have a convenience store close to you, especially in big cities, and for many people this will be the first choice when feeling hungry.

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Some Habits you Must End

January 13, 2014
Category Well-being
yoga classes

These poor habits are not easy to get rid of, but with willpower and a little effort you can get rid of them and have the lifestyle you are looking for.

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10 Foods Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

December 13, 2013
Category Nutrition
Food rich in vitamins

We have already pointed out the benefits of organic food and vegetarianism, but it is also important to know which foods have higher rates of vitamins and minerals. Search the web for recipes, and make the most of each one.

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​Tips for Looking (and Feeling) Younger

December 11, 2013
Category Nutrition
Feeling Younger

We all have seen models, actors and actresses who seem to have found the fountain of youth. Surgery isn’t the only cause since we know that despite the passing of years they still look great. However, maintaining a great physical condition requires commitment and hard work. Here are some useful and healthy habits that can improve your life.

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​Vegetarianism, Myths and Realities

December 4, 2013
Category Nutrition
Vegetarian myths

The number of people willing to go on a vegetarian diet grows faster every day. If you are thinking of trying this kind of diet, remember that many popular beliefs against it are far from real.

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Why Choose Organic Food?

November 25, 2013
Category Nutrition
happiness and yoga

Feeling good and willing to be in shape are not modern trends anymore; they are reachable goals if you workout, have willpower, and watch what you eat. Organic food is a great choice to go ...

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Benefits of Vitamin E

November 11, 2013
Category Nutrition
Vitamin E and Yoga

Doing Yoga goes hand in hand with a balanced nutrition. We have to be aware of what we eat in order to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

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What is a Yogic Way of Life?

October 25, 2013
Category Yoga
Yoga practice

Starting a Yogic way of life demands patience and willpower to reach a more conscious and happy life. Hold on tight! This great journey you’re about to start will give you the tools to be thankful and responsible for what surrounds you without feeling attached. 

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